The FCC today issued an order extending the comment deadline in its Broadcast Diversity proceeding, extending the comment date a full month until July 30, with Reply Comments now due on August 29. This important proceeding, about which we wrote here, will address many issues, including proposals to, among other things, repurpose television Channel 6 (and possibly Channel 5) for FM use after the completion of the television digital transition, to allow FM licensees who multicast to sell one of their multicast channels independently of the main channel, to allow certain AM stations with expanded band channels to avoid turning in one of their channels at the end of the 5 year transition period if the licensee is a designated entity (or sells one of its channels to a designated entity), and to provide Class A television stations with must-carry status. The rulemaking proceeding will also look at whether the current definition of a designated entity (focusing on the fact that it is a small business as opposed to any review of the race or gender of its owners) is the one that the FCC should continue to use. Thus, this is an important proceeding in which many broadcasters should be interested, and now you have more time to prepare comments on the issues that are raised.