In two decisions (here and here) released last week, the FCC fined broadcasters $3200 and $2400 after inspections of the stations revealed that the licenses for their Studio Transmitter Link ("STL") did not list the proper location for these stations. In both cases, it appeared that the stations had changed their studio locations, and had not bothered to file an application with the FCC to get authorization to move their auxiliary licenses to the new location. So, if you are contemplating a change in your studio location and use a Studio Transmitter Link to get your programming from your studio to your transmitter, don’t forget to file the appropriate application on FCC Form 601 to update that authorization before the move.
As Form 601 requires prior coordination with a local frequency coordinator ( to make sure that the relocation does not create interference issues for other stations) before the Form 601 can be processed. In one case, it appeared that the process had begun, but was not completed at the time of the inspection, even though the studio had been relocated for several months. In the other case, the fine was higher as the process to re-license the STL authorization was not begun until after the FCC inspection. Thus, in connection with any studio move, be sure to begin the process of getting authorization for the move early enough to have it in hand before the move, to avoid potential FCC issues.