fee for FCC construction permit application

Last week, amid the flurry of other actions taken on retransmission consent, rural radio and video accessibility, the Commission released its proposal for revisions to its regulatory filing fees, as it is required to do every two years.  The proposed fees for broadcast applications are set out below.  No other changes in any of the fees or fee categories are proposed.  According to the FCC proposal, the fees will rise by the amount of the cost of living increase since the last time the fees were adjusted – thus the cost to file FCC applications will rise by 3.5%.

Comments on the proposed fees are due 15 days after the Notice is published in the Federal Register, with replies due 30 days after that publication.  The table below sets out the fees for broadcast applications for main stations.   Proposed fees for applications for broadcast auxiliaries and other non-broadcast services are set out in the Notice of Proposed RulemakingContinue Reading FCC Proposes Revised Application Filing Fees