As we wrote here, the FCC recently adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to consider changes to its rules dealing with applications for new noncommercial educational stations and LPFM stations. The FCC plans to publish that Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register tomorrow, making comments due May 20, 2019, with replies due on June 18 assuming publication takes place as planned. The changes proposed are set out in our article summarizing the FCC’s NPRM when the draft was first released. They would affect everything from requirements for the governing documents of applicants for new stations to holding periods for new stations to the length of LPFM construction permits. If you are interested in applying for a new noncommercial station at some point in the future, or in the rules that govern those that do apply, watch this proceeding very carefully.
Correction – 3/20/2019 – The post has been corrected now that Federal Register publication has occurred to give the correct comment date of May 20. It had previously said May 19, but as that is a Sunday, comments are due the next business day.