FCC Commissioner Michael O’Rielly today released a statement announcing that Chairman Pai has requested that he lead an effort to review the FCC’s “KidVid” rules – the rules that govern the amount of educational and informational programming that each broadcast station is required to air to meet the needs of children. Commissioner O’Rielly recently wrote about his concerns that the requirements that each TV station air 3 hours weekly of such programming for each of its program channels no longer make sense in today’s media marketplace where there are so many other outlets for children’s programming. We wrote here about his prior statement on the issues. In the statement released yesterday, he asked that all stakeholders in the children’s television world – including broadcasters, children’s advocates and family group representatives – contact his office with their opinions on the current rules. This new aspect of the FCC’s Initiative for the Modernization of Media Regulation seems to have traction –so interested parties should take advantage of the Commissioner’s invitation and forward their thoughts on children’s television obligations to him.