UPDATE: On June 2, the FCC issued an erratum revising the Comment date in this proceeding to June 26th. We’ve updated our earlier post to reflect the change.
The FCC today issued a Public Notice announcing the filing deadline for comments regarding potential modifications to the ownership report filing requirements for noncommercial broadcasters (see our post, here, on the questions that the FCC is asking). Comments are due on June 26, with replies on July 13. As mentioned in our earlier post, the FCC also issued today an Order suspending the requirement that commercial broadcasters who have upcoming ownership report filing deadlines (including the deadline on Monday for on June 1 for radio stations in Arizona, District of Columbia, Idaho, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia and Wyoming, and television stations in Michigan and Ohio). This is a new policy, and thus supersedes the information in our post two weeks ago. As all commercial broadcasters will now have to file reports on the same time – November 1 – the need for a second report was deemed unnecessary, especially given the upcoming revisions to the Form 323 to require more detailed information about some otherwise non-attributable owners, and for certain entities not now required to file.
As we have stated, the FCC is interested in obtaining more detailed ownership information in order to better assess whether additional steps to promote minority ownership are justified. Watch for details of the new November filing requirement in the near future.