Effective on Monday, April 2, the Washington DC office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP that was located at 1500 K Street has changed locations. We are joining our colleagues from the law firm that was formerly known as Cole Raywid & Braverman, and moving into their office at the following address:
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, 1919 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20006-3402
New phone numbers for our broadcast attorneys will also be in place starting on Monday. Those include the following new direct dial numbers:
David Oxenford 202-973-4256 Robert Corn-Revere 202-973-4225
David Silverman 202-973-4200 Bryan McGinnis 202-973-4285
Ronald London 202-973-4235 Brendan Holland 202-973-4244
Karen Ross 202-973-4269 Amber Husbands 202-973-4219
The main office number is 202-973-4200. The fax is 202-973-4499.
Please update your contact information, as calling the old phone numbers will just give you a recording.