As we noted two weeks ago, the FCC has stopped accepting new filings through its CDBS database. This week, the FCC released a Public Notice which provides further details on how filings that were made in CDBS should now be submitted. As we noted when the announcement of the end of submissions to the database was made , most application filings had already transitioned into a new FCC database, LMS. But CDBS was still used in some instances, including for many AM technical applications, requests for Special Temporary Authority and silent authority, and for filings that related to applications that had been made in CDBS on matters that were still active. The new Public Notice notes a few other limited instances where CDBS had still been used (principally related to issues around the closing of transactions approved by applications that had been filed in CDBS for assignment or transfer of stations before the forms for such approval moved to LMS). The Notice also addresses the process for the submission of Anti-Drug Abuse Act certifications and filing fees in connection with applications that had still been filed in CDBS and are now to be submitted by email. Read the Public Notice for more detail.