As one of the many legislative changes that made their way into the Congressional Omnibus Spending Bill set to be voted out of Congress this week and signed by the President to keep the government operating for the next year, there is a provision authorizing TV stations to continue through September 30, 2025 operating with Joint Sales Agreements that were in place prior to the FCC action last year to order the termination of such agreement (see our article here). Without this legislation, those JSAs would have had to have been terminated by next December (see our article here about the extension of the divestiture date in the STELAR legislation). The provision says that no party to such an agreement shall be in violation of the FCC’s ownership rules if they continue to operate with the JSA in place. The new legislation says that, with respect to such grandfathered agreements, the rules that were in effect the day prior to the FCC’s ruling will remain in effect. How this will affect the transfer of stations that are involved in such agreements remains to be seen. But for those TV broadcasters who have these agreements and continue to operate their stations, for the foreseeable future, their JSAs can remain in place.