On June 6, FCC application fees are going up by 8%. The new fees were published in the Federal Register yesterday, here. This Federal Register publication sets out all of the new fees. To make sure that your applications are processed on a timely basis, be sure to pay the proper higher fees, starting on June 6. The old fees have been in place since 2009 (see our report here), so remember to adjust to the new fees. The fees for the most common broadcast services are set out below:
1. Commercial TV Services:
a. New and Major Change Construction Permits: $4,695.00
b. Minor Change Construction Permit: $1,050.00
c. Main Studio Request: $1,050.00
d. New License: $315.00
e. License Renewal: $190.00
f. License Assignment
(i) Long Form 314: $1,050.00
(ii) Short Form 316: $150.00
g. Transfer of Control
(i) Long Form 315: $1,050.00
(ii) Short Form 316: $150.00
h. Call Sign: $105.00
i. Special Temporary Authority: $190.00
j. Petition for Rulemaking for New Community of License: $2,900.00
k. Ownership Report: $65.00
2. Commercial AM Radio Stations:
a. New or Major Change Construction Permit: $4,180.00
b. Minor Change: $1,050.00
c. Main Studio Request: $1,050.00
d. New License: $690.00
e. AM Directional Antenna: $790.00
f. AM Remote Control: $65.00
g. License Renewal: $190.00
h. License Assignment.
(i) Long Form 314: $1,050.00
(ii) Short Form 316: $150.00
i. Transfer of Control.
(i) Long Form 315: $1,050.00
(ii) Short Form 316: $150.00
j. Call Sign: $105.00
k. Special Temporary Authority: $190.00
l. Ownership Report: $65.00
3. Commercial FM Radio Stations:
a. New or Major Change Construction Permit: $3,760.00
b. Minor Change: $1,050.00
c. Main Studio Request: $1,050.00
d. New License: $215.00
e. FM Directional Antenna: $660.00
f. License Renewal: $190.00
g. License Assignment
(i) Long Form 314: $1,050.00
(ii) Short Form 316: $150.00
h. Transfer of Control
(i) Long Form 315: $1,050.00
(ii) Short Form 316: $150.00
i. Call Sign: $105.00
j. Special Temporary Authority: $190.00
k. Petition for Rulemaking for New Community of License or Higher Class Channel: $2,900.00
l. Ownership Report: $65.00
4. FM Translators:
a. New or Major Change Construction Permit: $790.00
b. New License: $160.00
c. License Renewal: $65.00
d. Special Temporary Authority: $190.00
e. License Assignment: $150.00
f. Transfer of Control: $150.00
5. TV Translators and LPTV Stations:
a. New or Major Change Construction Permit: $790.00
b. New License: $160.00
c. License Renewal: $65.00
d. Special Temporary Authority: $190.00
e. License Assignment: $150.00
f. Transfer of Control: $150.00
g. Call Sign: $105.00
6. FM Booster Stations:
a. New or Major Change Construction Permit: $790.00
b. New License: $160.00
c. Special Temporary Authority: $190.00
7. TV Booster Stations:
a. New or Major Change: $790.00
b. New License: $160.00
c. Special Temporary Authority: $190.00
8. Class A TV Services:
a. New and Major Change Construction Permits: $4,695.00
b. New License: $315.00
c. License Renewal: $190.00
d. Special Temporary Authority: $190.00
e. License Assignment
(i) Long Form 314: $1,050.00
(ii) Short Form 316: $150.00
f. Transfer of Control
(i) Long Form 315: $1,050.00
(ii) Short Form 316: $150.00
g. Main Studio Request: $1,050.00
h. Call Sign: $105.00