About 6 years ago, I started the Broadcast Law Blog, with a colleague now at the FCC, while at the law firm of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP.  I want to thank that firm for the support that they gave to me and the Blog, which has allowed its readership to grow to heights that I hardly could have imagined when it was started.  Recently, I made a change in law firms, moving to Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP.  Davis Wright has been kind enough to allow the Blog to follow me, so this is the first of many posts to come at the new firm.  Look for new articles on legal developments for broadcast and digital media issues from me and my new colleagues at Wilkinson Barker.

All of the old articles that I wrote will continue to be available in the archives on the Blog.  Some of the old articles written by other attorneys at Davis Wright will be removed from the site in the very near future, but in most cases I hope to provide links to articles on related topics in their place.  In the coming weeks, I’ll also be trying to catch up with the many legal developments that took place in the last two months – including questions that have been raised by the effective date of the online public file for television stations, a number of music licensing actions and decisions including a decision on the constitutionality of the Copyright Royalty Board and decisions that could impact various rights and interests of music publishers and music users, a decision by the FCC on noncommercial LMAs, and a number of interesting fines and enforcement actions that have come out of the Commission.

So we thank you for your past readership and support of the Blog, and hope that you will continue to follow us in the future.  And look for information from us in other places as well.  If you haven’t already done so, check out the mobile version of the Blog so that you can read current articles on the go.  Follow me on Twitter for updates on articles on the Blog and other related legal issues, and watch for a Facebook page (coming soon) with many similar posts.  Certainly let us know if you have questions or comments, post them here or contact me directly.  And, if you’re even looking for a lawyer to assist on the issues that we write about, let us know!