This afternoon, the FCC released its long-anticipated Report and Order (R&O) setting forth the Commission’s new closed captioning rules for IP-delivered video programming, pursuant to the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA).
As we explained when the rules were first proposed in September, the CVAA directed the FCC to establish how and when certain IP-delivered video programming must be captioned, as well as the closed captioning capabilities for devices used to view video programming. The R&O adopts closed captioning requirements for owners, providers, and distributors of IP-delivered video programming; a safe harbor technical standard and delivery format for IP video captions; a staggered compliance schedule; complaint rules; and requirements for manufacturers of devices used to view the video programming at issue.
We are currently reviewing this comprehensive rulemaking, and will post our in-depth review next week, both here and on our DWT Advisories page.