All broadcasters and other EAS participants need to remember to file their reports on whether or not they received the Nationwide EAS Test by December 27. With everyone preparing for the holidays, and with much of the publicity about that test having died down, it may be very easy for some to have forgotten that the test was conducted in early November, and that all stations and other EAS participants have an obligation to file with the FCC by December 27 reports on their experience with the test. The FCC Forms are available on its website. As we wrote after the test was completed, there were many problems in the transmission of the test, and the failure of your station to receive or rebroadcast the test in unlikely to have a regulatory penalty – the effectiveness of the test being what the whole exercise was designed to measure. But the failure to file the form to give the FCC the information to assess the effectiveness of the test and to locate problem areas, could well cause enforcement issues. So, in your holiday scrambles, make time to remember to let the FCC know about your station’s experience with the Nationwide EAS test by next Tuesday’s deadline.