Broadcasters, along with virtually every other business, are supposed to have a bulletin board someplace in their place of business, accessible to employees, where all sorts of notices, many required by Federal law, are posted. Sometimes the posting requirement has been expanded to include posting on a company intranet, if that is a common way of communicating with employees. As set out in detail in an Advisory from our Davis Wright Tremaine Labor and Employment Group, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has just gotten into the act, requiring that all employers subject to the NLRA (the National Labor Relations Act), by November 14 of this year, post a notice alerting employees about their rights under the NLRA. I’m told that included in NLRA coverage is virtually every company but for those with less than $100,000 in revenue or those who are public-sector employers. The requirement covers employers who are unionized at the present time, as well as those that are not. So any way that you look at it, most broadcasters will have the obligation to post this notice. For more information about this requirement and the controversy that surrounds it, read our firm’s Advisory here. Broadcasters, be ready to comply!