The FCC just issued a public notice extending the comment deadline in its proceeding to determine how to process the FM translator applications pending from the 2003 FM translator window so as to not unduly preempt opportunities for new LPFM stations.  Comments were originally due to be filed today, but the deadline has now been extended to September 6, based on transportation and communications concerns in light of the disruptions caused by Hurricane Irene.  Reply comments will now be due on September 20.  We summarized the issues in this proceeding here and here.   Many are awaiting the conclusion of this proceeding – including those who have had an 8 year wait for the processing of FM translator applications from the 2003 Window as well as those looking forward to the opening of a window for applications for new LPFM stations.  Presumably, this short delay in the comment deadline will not unduly delay this highly contested proceeding, as the Commission will no doubt have many technical and legal issues to resolve, some stemming need to interpret the meaning of the Local Community Radio Act enacted by Congress late last year.