The FCC now has sent notices to broadcast stations about their obligation to pay regulatory fees by August 31. Last week, it issued three public notices about the fees – one simply announcing that the fees are due by that date, one setting out the procedures for filing the regulatory fees, and a third reminding all filers that they need to pay using the FCC’s on-line Fee Filer system. The FCC’s website is operational, and broadcasters can begin the process of completing the necessary filings. Davis Wright Tremaine has summarized all the filing obligations in an advisory on the FCC’s regulatory fee filing obligations sent out last week, and available here. To avoid delays in processing applications, and to avoid fees and penalties, be sure to pay your fees on time. And, as set forth in the DWT Advisory, don’t forget to figure out the fees due for your broadcast auxiliary stations (e.g. your STLs and Remote Pick-ups), as these licenses are not contained in the fee notice sent to you by the FCC. So be prepared for the August 31 deadline.