The new FCC Form 323 Ownership Report is now available in the FCC’s electronic filing system. Thus, after many delays, licensees can prepare and file the form that is due from licensees of commercial broadcast stations by January 11. The Commission also reminded broadcasters that it will be conducting a Tutorial on the new Form on Wednesday, December 9 at 2 PM Eastern Time which can be accessed through the FCC’s website.
We last wrote here about the FCC’s announcement of the impending availability of the form, and the decision to allow broadcasters to obtain temporary FCC Registration Numbers (FRNs) for principals from whom Social Security Numbers cannot be obtained by the January 11 filing deadline. Thus, with the form in the database, and the Social Security Number issue temporarily resolved, broadcasters need to be preparing these forms and filing them by January 11. The FCC has promised vigilance in enforcing this requirement – so be ready for the upcoming deadline.