The Commission today announced the agenda for its August 27, 2009 FCC Open Meeting. The agenda contains two Notices of Inquiry involving Wireless Telecommunications matters, as well as a Notice of Inquiry Notice of Inquiry about protecting American consumers by ensuring sufficient access to information about communications services. The first of the Wireless NOIs seeks input regarding the factors that encourage innovation and investment in wireless services and aims to identify concrete steps the Commission can take to support and encourage further innovation and investment in the area, while the second solicits info for the FCC’s next annual report to Congress on the status of competition in the mobile wireless market. A copy of the agenda is available here.
So there are no proposed orders on deck for adoption and no radical agenda items at this month’s meeting, but rather a few new proceedings as the new Commission starts to get its sea legs. We’ll see if September brings any Media issues to the table. As we’ve written earlier there are plenty already in the pipeline.