A recent decision of the FCC emphasizes that tower owners must remember to change the tower registration for any communications towers after a change in ownership, or risk a fine.  In the recent decision, the FCC canceled a $3000 fine that was imposed after an FCC inspection when it appeared a change in the ownership had not been reported – but the cancellation was not because the fine was not proper, but because the tower was in fact owned by the party who the FCC records said owned it.  All towers which must be registered with the FCC so that the FCC can notify the appropriate owner of any issues that may arise – and owners are subject to fines if it is discovered that the tower owner is not properly reported in FCC records.  In sales of broadcast stations and other communications licenses, towers are often included assets.  However, when the focus of the transaction is the sale of a radio or TV station, for which prior FCC approval is necessary, the transfer of the tower in the FCC records may well be overlooked.  No prior FCC approval for the sale of the tower is needed, and the tower is not included in the FCC authorizations reported on the applications for the sale of the broadcast licenses.  Thus, the parties must remember that the tower registration must be amended to report the new owner after the closing of the sale of the station.  Don’t forget – or a fine may result if the FCC discovers that the ownership change was not reported.