Annual EEO Public File Report Deadline – April 1

Affected States:  Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas

By April 1, 2008, radio and television Station Employment Units (SEU) in the states listed above must: (1) prepare their Annual EEO Public File Report; (2) place it in the public inspection file of each station comprising the SEU; and (3) post the Report on the websites, if any station in the SEU has a website. The Annual EEO Public File Report summarizes the station’s or the SEU’s EEO activities during the previous 12 months, and provides information about the recruitment and outreach that the station conducted in the past year.  The states with the April 1 filing deadline are: Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.

In addition to preparing the Annual EEO Public File Report by April 1, larger radio stations in Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee must also prepare and file with the Commission an FCC Form 397 Mid-Term EEO Report. Please note, only radio station SEUs located in these three jurisdictions that have 11 or more full-time employees are required to file an FCC Form 397 by April 1, 2008.

Biennial Ownership Report Deadline – April 1

Affected States:   Radio: Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee; Television:  Texas 

By April 1, 2008, radio stations in Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Tennessee, and television stations in Texas must prepare and file an FCC Form 323 Biennial Ownership Report with the FCC. Similarly, noncommercial stations in these states must file a Biennial Ownership Report on FCC Form 323-E. Ownership Reports are filed every other year, reporting on changes in the licensee’s ownership and updating the information requested by the form.

The timing for the filing of the Biennial Ownership Report and the preparation of the Annual EEO Public File Report is based on the anniversary of the filing of the station’s license renewal. In turn, the renewal cycles are organized by state and type of service, and are staggered based on the FCC’s prearranged schedule. Periodically, we will remind groups of stations as to their upcoming deadlines, and stations should be vigilant to make these required filings. 

Copies of our complete reminder memos containing additional information on each of these filing requirements can be found here (Ownership) and here (EEO).