Another executive of an on-line betting site was arrested late last week when changing planes in the United States. According to a New York Times story, the executive of SportingBet was detained based on a warrant issued by Louisiana state authorities.
As we wrote on July 18 and August 12, the arrest of an officer of caused the website to cease its operations in the United States. This new arrest, based on the actions of state authorities, rather than Federal officials, may signal a new offensive against such sites. In the past, we have found that many state authorities have been the first to approach broadcasters with threats of legal actions over advertisements for gambling websites. This action may indicate that authorities will also be going after the sites themselves.
We warned in an August advisory that broadcasters needed to exercise great care in accepting advertising in any way related to on-line gaming. Even the "dot net" sites, which don’t take money for bets, but are for "educational purposes" or for fun using free points instead of money for betting, need to be approached with suspicion. Check out the advisory for cautions on how to approach this increasingly hot topic.