As we’ve written many times (see, for instance, the articles here and here), today is the day that the FCC’s new online public inspection file goes live.  For TV stations, the system is supposed to be more dependable and user friendly.  For radio, commercial stations in the Top 50 Nielsen radio markets are supposed to go live today with their online files.  As we wrote last week, don’t forget to go to the administration page for your station’s public file and turn it to the “on” position to make it live and accessible to the public.  And once it is live, remember to put a link to the online public file on the main page of your station’s website, so that the public can find it.  The online file is live – remember to keep it up to date as the file will be accessible to anyone, anywhere at any time – and they can check on your compliance with the FCC’s rules (see, for instance, our article here for an example of how that online review can turn up rule violations).